Posts tagged holidays
Recipe Round Up: A Berry Happy Valentine's Day

In celebration of American Heart Month, we are looking to round up fun way to incorporate heart health into the daily. And while there is certainly no unicorn of a food that will stave off heart disease, the American Heart Association recommends adding all the color all the time. And what better way to embrace the color in this month of romance than berries?

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Parties, and Cookies, And Cocktails, Oh My!

Tis the season for cookie exchanges, corporate parties, family gatherings and festive nights out on the town with friends. For family traditions baking and cooking and toasting and gathering warm by the fire. For shopping and wrapping and celebrating and pulling late nights with the Elf on the Shelf. For trying to fit more hours in each day, a to do list that doesn’t end, for weeks where your schedule is so upside down that workouts and healthy meal planning and drinking anything that’s not caffeinated, alcoholic or sugar-laden seems, well … that’s what January is for, right?

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