Training By Tamara

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New Year New You

… So cheesy, I know. But there is something alluring about a fresh start, a clean slate, an empty planner, a new year: the possibilities of a new you, or at the very least, a better you.

What if, in 2019, you finally became your best self? What if you kept a resolution longer than a day and a half? Or finally committed to making time for you?

What on earth is stopping you, after all? I’ll give you a hint, friend: just take a look in the mirror. The kids, the job, the gym membership, the time … these are all excuses that we use to get in our own way. I’m not talking an overnight life overhaul — surely you know that’s not really my style at this point. We’re talking baby steps. There’s 12 months in 2019: that’s 12 months that you have to make, say, 12 little changes in your life to better yourself, and in turn, all those around you. Twelve months from now, where do you want to be? What do you want your life to look like at the beginning of 2020? Grab a notebook or planner, sit down, and write. it. down. Be specific. Claim your intentions, and look at what you need to do to get from Here to There. Today is Day 1 of the rest of your life.

If you need a little help or guidance in the health and fitness department, it’s here for you! Set up a consultation with Training by Tamara today, and we can go through your nutrition and exercise together and make a plan. All new clients will receive 25% all sessions booked in the month of January (as if you needed one more reason to take the year by storm)! And don’t worry, current clients: check your inbox for a little new year’s fun for you as well!